Symposium FAQs

❔ This looks interesting but I’m not sure if my work fits into this space

The in-person symposium will focus more narrowly on the work and experiences of people working directly with academics to advise them about better learning and teaching – academic developers, educational technologists, learning designers and similar. The online slowposium takes a broader view, and is intended to cover issues of interest to anyone who works beyond traditional academic/professional domains.

❔ Will this be joined with the ASCILITE conference?

This event coincides with the ASCILITE conference, and the in-person symposium will be held at the same location and day as the pre-conference workshops. (Thanks ASCILITE). It is not officially part of the conference though, so registration and submission of proposals is separate. (We do expect to see a fair amount of overlap between attendees at the in-person symposium though). If you are coming down for ASCILITE, please consider joining us as well.

❔ Will there be a virtual strand for the in-person symposium?

To keep this event manageable – we haven’t run anything of this scope before and are all fitting this in around our normal lives – the symposium (Dec 1) will be in-person only and it will not be recorded. We are holding a two week online slowposium leading up to this event to enable interested third space practitioners (and friends) to share their ideas and experiences and contribute to discussions of the many issues and opportunities in this space.

❔ What exactly is a slowposium?

We see a slowposium as a way for people to engage with third space colleagues, information, ideas and experiences in their own time. Contributors will publish some kind of resource (e.g. a recorded presentation, a piece of writing, a podcast, a drama script, a poem, a song, an interactive story, a recording of a discussion, etc) relating to some aspect of working in the third space and there will be opportunities to asynchronously discuss the ideas and questions raised. (We don’t know exactly what this will look like – that is partially up to you and your brilliant ideas).