A Canvas to Moodle Migration

“We want you to shift a course from Canvas to Moodle.

The course has 27 subjects. You and your three learning design colleagues have six months.”

Someone Higher Up (may or may not be Bob)

This is the linking post in a series by Tom Cotton. Read on as they are released to learn how they did it.

Right. OK. Sure.  No problems.  With that brief, Project Bob kicked off.

Fellow teledvisors, this is the story of an unfamiliar path, where a small team of learning designers undertook the task of moving learning management systems from Canvas to Moodle.** You can follow the technical challenges and solutions of the Project Bob migration story, in a series of posts that reveal more about design than project management.  If you find yourself on a similar path, you can grab the resources used in this project: some of the big challenges of this project are faced by us all.

** (Yes, you read that right. It’s like travelling back in time!)

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