Author: admin

  • Connecting and bridging – the Third Space privilege

    Connecting and bridging – the Third Space privilege

    Photo: By Sam Sills – Forth bridges, Looking south, May 2021 At a recent TELedvisors event (@TELedvisors) there were thought-provoking presentations by Diane Nutt (@dixxyD) and Emily McIntosh (@emilythemac) on the concept of integrated practise, and how it can enable positive change. What do we mean by integrated practise? There are many different names for…

  • Membership of the TELedvisors Network (as of 30/03/22)

    It’s been a little while since we delved into the data around our members but here are stats and visualisations that you may find of interest. Where we are: We currently have 373 members over 7 countries We are associated with 85 institutions or organisations (including working freelance) We have 155 different titles as practitioners.…

  • Lesson learned: Designing a virtual symposium

    Lesson learned: Designing a virtual symposium

    COVID-19 has necessitated a shift to online models for a number of activities that were previously facilitated face-to-face (F2F) or through physical presence and interaction. Education is a key area undergoing a shift, but moving learning activities online is not directly transferable or equivalent to F2F and what worked before won’t necessarily work in the same way. As such, it forces a shift in thinking, pedagogical practice…

  • A Model to ‘Create’ Capability: during a Crisis and Beyond

    A Model to ‘Create’ Capability: during a Crisis and Beyond

    CREATE comprises three phases: Identifying participants’ specific challenges within their Current Realities, Exploring Alternatives to resolve those challenges and Tapping Energy to win the commitment of participants’ in resolving those challenges.

  • Founder Interview: Retention and Scaling Quality Interaction 2/2

    Founder Interview: Retention and Scaling Quality Interaction 2/2

    ClassCom is solving 3 key problems: Teaching Assistant, Personalised Learning Experiences, and Community Building

  • Founder Interview: Retention and Scaling Quality Interaction 1/2

    Founder Interview: Retention and Scaling Quality Interaction 1/2

    It is harder to engage and create a sense of belonging and learning in online modes due to a lack of human interaction

  • Building capability in a time of crisis

    Building capability in a time of crisis

    Empathy is a necessary first step that draws us all into the reality of the student, and draws the reality of the student into the classroom

  • PressEdConf 2020: About this blog

    PressEdConf 2020: About this blog

    A meta-post as we look back at the role of The Edvisor blog for a presentation at the 2020 PressEdConf Conference, all conducted on Twitter. PressED is a Twitter conference that looks at how WordPress is used in teaching, pedagogy and research. This year the sessions brought in WordPress projects as diverse as open textbooks…

  • Design thinking for teledvisors

    Design thinking for teledvisors

    By Steven Kickbusch, Briony Wainman, Roger Cook, Sharon Altena, & Henk Huijser a two-minute read For the latest Meet-Up of TELedvisors, which was held in November last year at QUT’s Kelvin Grove campus, we decided to do something different and have a more focused workshop facilitated by Dr Natalie Wright and Steven Kickbusch. The focus…

  • Unpacking the lessons of MOOCs

    Unpacking the lessons of MOOCs

    Tim Klapdor looks forward to the new series of MOOCs that the University of Adelaide is building, and looks back at the lessons to be learned from past MOOCs.