Category: About Us

  • Membership of the TELedvisors Network – 8th November, 2023

    The TELedvisors Network has continued to grow since our last update in March last year and we now have 535 members (give or take – minus duplicates) across 13 countries. As of the 8th of November, we have 535 members (give or take a few duplicates) in 13 countries. (Mostly Oz and NZ). In Australia,…

  • Membership of the TELedvisors Network (as of 30/03/22)

    It’s been a little while since we delved into the data around our members but here are stats and visualisations that you may find of interest. Where we are: We currently have 373 members over 7 countries We are associated with 85 institutions or organisations (including working freelance) We have 155 different titles as practitioners.…

  • PressEdConf 2020: About this blog

    PressEdConf 2020: About this blog

    A meta-post as we look back at the role of The Edvisor blog for a presentation at the 2020 PressEdConf Conference, all conducted on Twitter. PressED is a Twitter conference that looks at how WordPress is used in teaching, pedagogy and research. This year the sessions brought in WordPress projects as diverse as open textbooks…

  • What teledvisor means and why it matters

    Colin Simpson – co-convenor TELedvisors network When we* coined the term “edvisor” – for our context at least – we (Kate Mitchell, Chie Adachi and I) were looking for a term that captured our collective identity as learning designers, learning technologists, academic developers and the multitude of other titles people in our line of work…

  • TEL edvisors defined

    TEL edvisors defined

    TEL ~ Technology Enhanced Learning Edvisors ~ Educator advisors including Academic Developer, Education Designer and Learning Technologist (and more)

  • The TELedvisor Community

    The TELedvisor Community

    The term TELedvisor represents edvisors (education advisors) with an interest in technology enhanced learning (and teaching) – and honestly, what part of learning and teaching does not have a tech component now? We are a community of skilled practitioners supporting each other. We hold roles with a wide variety of titles: Learning/Instructional Designer, Educational Technologists,…