With its focus on reuse and variety, H5P allows users to design or adapt interactive widgets specifically tailored for teaching and learning purposes and seamlessly embed them into web pages.
Over recent years, technology-enhanced learning (TEL) has undergone significant advancements, such as the widespread adoption of online learning platforms and the development of interactive virtual classrooms. H5P is a tool that has played a pivotal role in this journey. As it celebrates its 10-year anniversary, in this post, I reflect on the impact H5P has had on our practices in Higher Education and review some cool new features.
H5P, short for HTML5 Package, is an authoring tool that offers a user-friendly platform for creating and sharing interactive learning experiences. Since its launch in 2013, H5P has grown exponentially and is now widely used in over 400 universities in 42 countries.
New features
H5P has rolled out a number of new features since the beginning of the year. Here are some notable ones:
The info wall
H5P’s January release introduced the Info Wall content type, allowing users to create a searchable list of items stacked in vertical panels.

Image choice question type
H5P’s February release introduced the image choice question type, enhancing quizzes by incorporating images as answer options.
Content resume function
One of the most exciting additions is the content resume function which allows learners to pause their progress in an H5P activity and resume it later from where they left off. In doing so it promotes continuous and flexible learning.
It’s important to note that this function is only available when used through the LTI in your Learning Management System (LMS) and if your license includes drill-down reports. For more information, go to the Content Resume support article on H5P’s website. You can also find a list of the content types that support the resume function via the same link.

H5P has made significant improvements in complying with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in recent years. While not all content types are fully accessible, H5P maintains a list of accessible content types tested against WCAG 2.1 success criteria. Notably, H5P states that it cannot guarantee the level of accessibility support for these content types, however. Of course, to ensure accessibility for designed content, it is important to always follow general accessibility best practices and carry out your own tests.
Embracing the Affordances of H5P
H5P has been able to extend the capabilities of the LMS in higher education, offering a wide range of interactive content types and activities that foster active learning and empower educators to create immersive learning experiences. By seamlessly integrating interactive elements, H5P enhances student engagement, motivation, and learner autonomy. Immediate feedback and adaptive learning experiences transform passive learning into active and participatory journeys.
Compared to eLearning authoring tools that were available before H5P’s release, for example, Articulate Storyline and Adobe Captivate, H5P stands out in terms of usability. Its intuitive editor caters to educators of all technical expertise levels. H5P’s content is responsive and adaptable to different devices. Additionally, its open-source nature and active community support enable educators to access shared resources and collaborate effectively. H5P also surpasses later-released tools like Genially in terms of accessibility.
Looking to the future
The past 10 years have witnessed the transformative impact of H5P on learning design in Higher Education. A powerful extension to the LMS, it provides a wide range of interactive content types and activities that foster active learning. Its user-friendly interface, responsive content, and open-source nature make it a preferred choice for educators.
Interested in giving it a go? Head to H5P content types to learn about the range of interactives available and sign up for a free account.
Further resources
- EdTech Designer. (2022, March). The H5P Report – March 2023 [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0J2Rri86s4k&ab_channel=EdTechDesigner]
- Fischer, M., Rohweder, M., & Dewan, P. (2021). H5P (product review). The Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association, 42(3), 178–180. https://doi.org/10.29173/jchla29589
- Fraser, B., & McKnight, L. (n.d.). Accessibility handbook for teaching and learning: H5P. Langara College. Retrieved May 31, 2023, from https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/accessibilityhandbook/chapter/h5p/
- Magro, J. (2021). H5P. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 109(2), 351–354. https://doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2021.1204
- Sinnayah, P., Salcedo, A., & Rekhari, S. (2021). Reimagining physiology education with interactive content developed in H5P. Advances in Physiology Education, 45(1), 71–76. https://doi.org/10.1152/ADVAN.00021.2020
- Wehling, J., Volkenstein, S., Dazert, S., Wrobel, C., van Ackeren, K., Johannsen, K., & Dombrowski, T. (2021). Fast-track flipping: flipped classroom framework development with open-source H5P interactive tools. BMC Medical Education, 21(1), 1–351. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-021-02784-8