The TELedvisor Community


The term TELedvisor represents edvisors (education advisors) with an interest in technology enhanced learning (and teaching) – and honestly, what part of learning and teaching does not have a tech component now?

We are a community of skilled practitioners supporting each other. We hold roles with a wide variety of titles: Learning/Instructional Designer, Educational Technologists, Academic Developers and many more. We work both in and across academic and professional spaces in what is often called the Third Space in tertiary education. Together we explore, develop, refine, apply and share technology enhanced learning and teaching theory and practice in order to enhance teaching practices for improved student learning.

The TELedvisors Network exists to support people working in these roles by building our community, advocating for our expertise to be heard, supporting research to build understanding of this field and providing opportunities for professional development.

The TELedvisors Network puts the “practice” back into Community of Practice by supporting and encouraging active participation in this group. The TELedvisors network operates as a Special Interest Group (SIG) of ASCILITE.


Posts in this blog are intended to enable readers to:

  • What is involved in being a TELedvisor/Third Space Practitioner
  • What we do in TEL in our various institutions
  • Insights from recent TEL literature
  • How TEL projects are imagined and implemented


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Join the community and join the conversation!

 Do you work in an Edvisor type role (or do you aspire to)?

Join us on Microsoft Teams

You don’t need to be an ASCILITE member to join the group but basic information (name, email, ASCILITE member status) is shared with ASCILITE.